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[Carv] 모든 지형에서 스키 실력을 향상시키는 한 가지 기술 | 고급 스키 팁
  • DrSpark
  • 24.12.25
  • 조회 수: 655




[Carv] 모든 지형에서 스키 실력을 향상시키는 한 가지 기술 | 고급 스키 팁  


촬영 장소: 힌터툭스 빙하(HINTERTUX GLACIER)




모든 지형에서 스키 실력을 향상시키고 싶으신가요? 이 영상에서 @BigPictureSkiing의 톰 젤리(Tom Gellie)는 파우더, 정설된 슬로프, 그리고 범프 지형에서도 스키 기술을 혁신적으로 바꿔줄 핵심 기술을 공유한다.  


이 간단하지만 강력한 팁은 슬로프 위에서의 다양성과 자신감을 키워주는 게임 체인저이다. 톰은 이 기술을 단계별로 자세히 설명하며, 어떠한 조건에서도 적용할 수 있는 방법을 보여준다. 또한, Carv를 사용하면 실시간으로 기술을 측정하고 개선하는 방법을 명확히 확인할 수 있다.  


Carv의 웨어러블 센서는 부츠에 부착된 작은 센서를 통해 스키를 할 때마다 체중 전환 및 해제와 같은 다양한 데이터를 측정한다. 이 센서를 활용하여 실력을 향상시킬 수 있는 주요 기술을 매번 연습하세요. 자세한 내용은 getcarv.com에서 확인하세요.  


매끄러운 턴, 더 나은 균형, 그리고 모든 지형에서의 성능 향상을 원하신다면, 이 기술은 반드시 익혀야 할 기술이다.  




출연: 톰 젤리(Tom Gellie)  

더 알아보기: Carv의 실시간 데이터와 코칭이 스키 실력을 어떻게 향상시킬 수 있는지 확인하세요.  




주요 내용 요약  


스키 실력을 향상시키는 전환 체중 해제  
- 전환 체중 해제는 스키를 더 쉽게 만들어줌  
- 스키를 가볍게 만드는 동작이 움직임의 자유를 강화함  
- 속도와 실력에 따라 기술이 달라짐  

스키 턴 중 체중 해제 측정  
- Carv가 체중 해제를 측정하는 방식  
- 부츠의 수직 힘을 측정하여 데이터 수집  
- 숙련된 스키어들은 전환 시 동적인 체중 해제를 보여줌  

전환 체중 해제를 통한 스키 성능 향상  
- 마크는 어려운 조건에서 스키가 힘들어짐  
- 전환 체중 해제는 까다로운 지형에서 중요한 기술  
- '홉 턴(hop turn)' 연습이 체중 해제 능력 향상에 도움  

Carv로 스키 기술 개선  
- 동작을 과장해 스키 기술 향상  
- 스키 중 실시간 오디오 피드백 제공  
- 더 나은 턴을 위해 가벼움과 다리 움직임에 초점  

더 나은 스키를 위한 전환 동작 익히기  
- 스키를 더 오래 즐기고 거친 지형을 편하게 탐험  
- 산의 더 많은 부분을 쉽게 탐험 가능  
- 다양한 지형에서의 스킬 향상과 재미  




영상의 주요 부분  

아침에 슬로프 상태가 좋을 때는 스키가 잘 되지만, 시간이 지나면서 지형이 거칠어지고 눈 뭉치가 생기면 스키가 어려워지나요? 그런 상황이라면 이 팁이 하루 종일 스키를 더 즐기고 기술을 개선하는 데 도움을 줄 것이다. 저는 톰 젤리이다. 오늘은 모든 지형에서 스키 기술을 향상시키고 스타일을 개선하며 스키를 더 재미있게 만드는 '전환 체중 해제(Transition Weight Release)' 기술을 소개한다. 전환 체중 해제가 왜 중요한지, Carv를 통해 이를 측정하고 개선할 수 있는 방법을 알아보겠다. 또한 중급 및 고급 스키어 모두에게 적합한 연습 방법을 공유하겠다.  

전환 체중 해제는 턴 사이에서 스키가 가벼워지는 동작으로, 한 턴에서 다음 턴으로 자연스럽게 넘어가게 한다. 기본적인 속도에서 전환 시 몸이 가벼워지는 느낌을 강조하는 동작을 보여드리겠다.  

속도가 느리고 기술이 덜 숙련된 경우, 이 동작은 몸 전체를 확장시키는 더 적극적인 움직임으로 나타납니다. 반면 숙련도가 높아질수록 이러한 동작은 다리에서만 느껴지고, 지형에 따라 변화한다.  

Carv 센서를 통해 스키 부츠에서 발생하는 수직 힘을 측정할 수 있다. 숙련된 스키어일수록 턴의 전환 시 더 동적인 체중 해제를 보여준다.  

그는 자신감 있는 고급 스키어이지만, 조건이 나빠질수록 스키 실력이 점점 더 떨어지게 된다. 이런 상황에서 중요한 기술이 바로 전환 중 무게 해제(Transition Weight Release)이다. 전환 중 무게 해제는 복잡한 지형에서도 잘 타기 위해 필수적이다. 여기서 그 기술을 개선하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있는 방법 중 하나는 바로 "점프 턴(Hop Turn)" 훈련이다.  

스키 기술을 향상시키기 위한 Carv 활용  
스키 기술을 개선하기 위해 동작을 의도적으로 과장해보라.  
스키를 타는 동안 Carv를 활용해 실시간 오디오 피드백을 받아라.  
더 나은 턴을 위해 가벼움과 다리 움직임에 집중하라.  

더 나은 스키 기술을 위한 전환 기술 마스터하기  
스키를 더 오래 즐기며 거친 지형에서도 쉽게 탈 수 있게 된다.  
산의 더 넓은 부분을 탐험하며 즐거움을 누릴 수 있다.  
모든 유형의 지형에서 기술을 향상시키고 더 큰 재미를 느껴라.  



- 전환 중 무게 해제는 복잡한 지형과 다양한 조건에서 스키 실력을 크게 향상시킨다.  
- 이 기술은 턴 사이의 가벼움을 활용하며, 스키의 자유로운 움직임을 극대화한다.  
- Carv는 부츠 센서를 사용해 스키 데이터를 수집하며, 실시간 피드백으로 기술 발전을 돕는다.  
- 점프 턴 훈련과 실시간 데이터를 통해, 스키 기술의 새로운 수준에 도달할 수 있다.




* 아래는 원문이다. 


[Carv] 1 Technique To Improve In Every Terrain | Advanced Ski Tips



Want to improve your skiing across all terrain? In this video, Tom Gellie from @BigPictureSkiing shares one key technique that will transform how you ski in powder, on groomers, and even in the bumps.

This simple but powerful tip is a game-changer for building versatility and confidence on the slopes. Tom breaks it down step by step, showing how you can apply it no matter the conditions. Plus, with Carv, you’ll see exactly how to measure your progress and refine your technique with objective, real-time feedback.

The Carv wearable sensors measure a range of metrics including transition weight release using a tiny boot sensor, every time you ski. Now you can get out there and improve this key skill on every run. Learn more at: getcarv.com 

If you’re looking to unlock smoother turns, better balance, and improved performance across all terrain, this is the one skill you need to master.

Featuring: Tom Gellie
Learn More: Explore Carv to see how our real-time data and coaching can elevate your skiing.

00:00 Intro
0:54 What is Transition Weight Release?
02:47 How do we measure it?
04:44 Advanced vs Pro 
06:21 Drill 1 
07:16 Drill 2 
09:00 Summary


Improve skiing with transition weight release
Transition weight release makes skiing easier
Unweighting skis enhances freedom of movement
Technique varies with speed and skill level
Measuring weight release during ski turns
Carv measures weight release in skiers
CALV measures the vertical force in boots
Experienced skiers show dynamic unweighting during transition
Improving Skiing Performance with Transition Weight Release
Mark struggles with skiing as conditions deteriorate
Transition weight release is crucial for skiing well on tricky terrain
The hop turn drill can help improve transition weight release
Improving Skiing Technique with Carv
Exaggerate movements to improve ski technique
Use Carv for real-time audio feedback during skiing
Focus on lightness and leg movements for better turns
Mastering Transition Moves for Better Skiing
Extend your skiing day and enjoy rough terrain
Open up more parts of the mountain with ease
Improve your skills and have fun in all types of terrain

Do you feel like at the start of the day everything goes well, when the groomers are perfectly nice and smooth, then as the day goes on your skiing deteriorates? Perhaps because the terrain gets bumpier, there's clumps of snow.  well, if that's you, I've got something that's really going to help you improve and enjoy the entire day of skiing.  hi, my name is tom gelley.  today i'm going to help you with something that's going to help not only you ski all terrain, it's going to help your style and make skiing really fun. This is transition weight release. So today we're going to look at why transition weight release is so important in skiing. We're going to show you how CARV is now able to measure it and how you can use that data to improve. And I'm going to share an exercise for both intermediate and expert skiers that is going to level up your skiing. Let's get started.
 Transition weight release is the movement between turns where your skis become light and it just makes it easier to move from one turn to the next. Let's go for a ski. I'm just going to show you at a really basic speed first. So as I finish a turn, I'm heavy, but I want to start a turn feeling light. So right through here, I want to feel weightless. Because then it's easy to turn a lot, it's easy to edge. So I often see skiers around struggling in the transition because they're not really trying to be weightless, they're just keeping their weight on the snow. Why do you need to unweight your skis? It's really simple, let me show you. When I'm floating in the air, I've got full freedom of movement in all dimensions of my skis. So I can choose to steer them more, I can edge them more, I can make a fore and aft adjustment really easily. When I'm down on the snow and the opposite is happening, I'm pressured, my options are far less.
 Okay, capitalizing on that moment of unweighted between turns is what we're trying to work on. At lower ends and slower speeds, it is more an active movement of extending the body. You'll feel an up motion in your entire body. But as you become better, as you start to use the terrain more, you're going faster, that goes away and you start to only really feel it through your legs. And then of course there's every shade of grey in between. What's really exciting is Carv can now measure this transition weight release and if we can measure it we can go out and improve it because it's a hallmark of some of my favorite skiers like Marcus and Ted. For those of you who don't know Carv uses sensors clipped to your boots to measure your skiing and to give you data and coaching to help you improve. We're going to speak to Alex from Carv who's going to help us understand that data so we can see exactly what's going on during the transition of our turns.
 Using CALV we can actually measure the forces going on in your boots as you ski. In particular we can measure the vertical component of force going through your skis and your boots during the turn. As people get better we actually see a really clear trend in CALV's data which corresponds with increased weightlessness as someone is finishing their turns. On the left hand side of this graph is the start of the turn. then the middle and then the end of the turn is on the right. Here we have an intermediate skier, your data Tom and Marcus Castor's data. We can see from the graph that intermediates don't actually have very obvious or large spikes in their acceleration vertically, which basically means that they're not actually experiencing a very dynamic upwards or downwards movement through their feet. They're largely skiing in a very static position where their skis are in a steady state as they go through the turn. You are skiing much more dynamically. You actually have in particular a really exciting moment of unweighting at the transition.
 Right at the end of one turn and at the start of another, your skis are unweighted and you can maneuver them into the next turn really easily. So I've got Marcus Kasten's data here as well and he's so exciting to watch. And this is partly why we see an even bigger change in how his feet are experiencing vertical acceleration through the turn. Basically what this means is he's unweighting his feet very dynamically during transition. and I think in extreme cases he's actually going to be floating off the ground and totally weightless. Yeah totally what you see so what you see in videos that makes it look really exciting is exactly the same here in the data. Yeah absolutely. So if you're a carve user and you're looking at scores and you're seeing something in that 50 to 70 range then that's a great sign that this will be a great thing to work on and you'll really feel a difference if you do. So this is Mark. He's a confident advanced skier, but as the conditions deteriorate in the afternoon, he's going to find it more difficult to ski well.
 And one of the things that will drop down will be this transition release. Let's go find something a bit tricky to compare how Carve is scoring our transition. This is like re-frozen, really hard stuff. It's gonna make noise in my ears, but we're gonna use it for science and to show you that this transition weight release is so important. First, we're gonna send Mark down, then I'll ski and we can compare scores. A real problem with trickier terrain is most people skid exactly like they do when it's a perfectly prepared piece. But then you're going to show up most likely with your arms all over the place looking untidy. And so a simple way to fix that is be unweighted. You've got no interaction with the snow. You can be tidy in the air and interact with the snow for a shorter period of time. So I'm going to focus on feeling weightless between the turns.
 Not the crunchy part, the floaty part. I'm kind of still making it fun. Righty-o, let's have a look at your transition weight release. Okay, 80%. Yeah, so it's not, totally not there. You have to have some kind of unweighting or you're gonna trip and fall, right? But yeah, it could be better. So in comparison, my balance metric on that one said it was 100 transition weight release. Let's go work on a few drills, see if we can improve that. So the drill for the intermediate to almost advanced skier is a hop turn. The task is to just jump from one set of edges to your new set of edges. You can turn your skis, make any sort of turn shape you want, it's up to you. A little bit steeper is better, I'm going to give you a demo of it right now. It's a great drill to exaggerate and that's the point, I'm jumping more than I need to to really get the feeling.
 Really important you get the whole ski off and even the tails. Your tail is what often catches. I'm going to have a look at my carve scores after doing the hop turn drill. Click into balance and transition weight release. 100 so you should try this one too and see what it shows up with your carve scores. Now let's get on the chair and I want to show you the more advanced one. So I'm actually going to put carve into real-time audio feedback and choose the transition weight release as a metric I want to hear. It's not so much a drill, it's more of a concept. So really all you're trying to do is still be light between your turns but instead of your whole body moving up and you're feeling this up motion like we practiced before, really only going to be from the legs down. So my feet are going to come up like this and change edges. change edges over to the other side.
 I'm going to feel how effective that movement is in my ears as Carv talks to me. Okay, Tom, let's ski. Soften my legs. Soften. In the transition. Yeah. Makes me go faster. Woo. See a little bunk there to help. 100%. 100%. 100%. Oh that was fun, really fun. And with the feedback in my ears, you kind of get a good idea of, yeah, 100. So using a totally different movement pattern, it does feel really light between the turns, but compared to the sort of slower lower level, I feel like my body is trying to take a more direct path My legs just have to work like crazy.
 So if you feel like you don't do that with your legs, work on this drill concept idea. It's going to help you towards making turns like that down there. Now I wouldn't have this in my ear every time I ski, but for a drill, this is perfect to get you the right feelings. Then you're off to the races. There's a really good reason we all love powder skiing. It's this weightless feeling as you float down the mountain. But it doesn't always have to be in the powder. If you can master this transition move, you're going to enjoy the similar kind of feelings on the piste, off piste and in the moguls. So now your day is going to be extended. You're going to have fun skiing in rougher off piste terrain. You're going to open up more parts of the mountain.
 And for you advanced skiers, I can remember back watching some of these awesome skiers ripping around and wanting to do the same thing and wondering what is going on. And when I figured out that a lot of it to do is this transition, being light with both of my feet there, a new whole world opened up. It was so fun in every type of terrain. So it's that simple. Get out this winter and start working on your transitions. I hope you found this video really useful and it's going to help you improve your skiing this winter. I've certainly had a great time filming this content for you. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below and we'll do our best to answer. Otherwise, until next time, have a great day. Whoa! That was deep in there!

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